A Teardrop Of Rain
As a little girl I watched a single teardrop of rain run down a window pane, I was entranced by its form and beauty sending my imagination bouncing in all directions as it formed and sometimes reformed joining other rain droplets and forming small rivers on their downward journey. On one single window there were hundreds of small steams all running down the glass at seemingly different rates, each with an individual form and beauty. Although transparent they each held a small picture or magnification of colours and light. When they reached the window sill they appeared to join hands and form miniature lakes suitable for fairy’s to bathe in, or where bumble bees and other tiny creatures could stop for a drink.
     Beyond the window pane I saw the sun coming out of hiding from behind a cloud, with a larger family of clouds clustered around it forming a beautiful  scene of islands, mountains and fairy-story castles. And enchanted I wondered how could I ever share these imaginary concepts and bring them out into the open world for all to see? It was exactly this which motivated and inspired me to work in creative media’s from then and to this day.
     Following a basic art school training I went on to self study in photography and graphic design which also meant becoming familiar with softwares such as the Adobe suite, ZBrush and DAZ Studio, Blender and other similar or related programs.  The combination of these skills has become an ideal backbone to use  as a 3D render artist, combining sculpturing, fashioning and adapting characters, lighting, perspective positioning and scene layouts as well as post works in Adobe Photoshop to further enhance and adjust work. 
     I hope you please enjoy my works and that they will move or inspire you in some way, as others continue to inspire me. 
     “I am still learning” - Michelangelo
     All the best, Jakki-D

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